Thursday 17 November 2011

Planning for film trailer

Groups finally organised and left to decide on film genre and story etc. My group decided to go for the horror genre as it seemed easy to film for our tiny budget and it was something we were all keen to do. Our story consists of four teenagers who go for a camping trip in the local woods. The woods they go into are known to be the site of various teenage hangings but they go in anyway. They are then haunted by the ghost of a local girl called Mary who hung herself in the woods 80 years before. The children must struggle to control themselves and to mentally overcome their trauma. 

We at first tried to come up with a name for the film but we've decided to leave that until the end in case we get better ideas along the way, at the moment we have ... The Hanging, The Suicide Diary, or The unfinished.
We did some research among pupils in our school, we questioned which title they preferred and the results were very close with The Hanging just getting the majority. 

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