Thursday 17 November 2011


Plan to make trailer contain around 80 shots. It seems to be the general amount that most horror films have and with our limited skills in editing it isn't too difficult to get 80 shots.

We've all coordinated times in which we are free and have now started storyboarding outside of lessons.
Our trailer is going to follow the general structure for a horror trailer i.e starting slow and gradually speeding up, and will have a mix of fast paced and slower editing. We plan to have titles throughout the trailer and have voices from the characters; narration will not be used. One thing that may go against the conventions of a lot of horror trailers is that we are going to aim to use as limited music as possible in attempt to try and keep the viewer in suspense. If it's possible we also would like to use maybe a girl's voice singing a children's song in the background to create a sense of a young child's ghost coming to haunt you.

We use the storyboard sheets and draw a picture of a shot then write a brief description to accompany the picture. The difficult part is trying to fit them all in order.

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